Pregnancy Chiropractic Care
At York Family Chiropractic, we understand that this is a very special time for both mama and baby. Mom's body is constantly changing and shifting throughout the pregnancy to accommodate for the growing baby. Sometimes, these changes can leave mama in pain and feeling uncomfortable. Some symptoms include: low back pain, round ligament pain, headaches, sciatica, pubic bone pain, increased morning sickness, and sleepless nights. Prenatal chiropractic adjustments have been show to help mama improve in these common (not normal) pregnancy complaints. Dr. Yorks job is to find the root cause of the symptoms and to make sure that mama's spine and nervous system are both functioning optimally together. When they aren't, the pelvis becomes misaligned leading to the uterus tightening and causing the baby to have less room to move around and be in optimal birthing position (head down). The baby being head down can lead to mama not being able to have a natural, non-invasive birth. When mama receives chiropractic care during her pregnancy, this gives her the opportunity to have a natural, non-invasive, safer and quicker birth. ​​
Here at YFC, Dr. York is certified in the Webster Technique and utilizes this technique to adjust her pregnant mothers. Webster Technique is a very specific chiropractic analysis that looks to the pelvis, sacrum and associated muscles and ligaments. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral subluxations and SI joint dysfunction. In doing so, the function of the pelvis is enhanced, decreasing stress on the mama's uterus.
We are here to support you through your pregnancy journey and into postpartum healing!